プライバシーポリシー – Privacy Policy

このサイトについて – Who I am

– 日本語 –

このサイトのアドレスは:「 https://oheso-guide.com 」です。

地元民の手で、岐阜県中津川市・恵那市の魅力をお届けします。 日本人の方をはじめ、海外の方にも参考となるような情報を発信していきたいと思います。

– English –

This website address is:「 https://oheso-guide.com 」.

The charms of Nakatsugawa and Ena cities in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, are presented by local people. I would like to provide information.

アクセス解析・Cookie(クッキー)について – Web access analysis & Cookies

– 日本語 –

おへそガイド( 以下当サイト )では、ウェブサイト運営向上を目的とし、訪問者のアクセスログを取得させていただいております。訪問者の動向を統計情報として解析する目的のためのものであり、訪問者の個人を特定できる情報ではありません。





Google Analytics(グーグル)


– English –

Oheso Guide (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) collects visitor access logs for the purpose of improving website operation. The logs are used for the purpose of analyzing visitor trends as statistical information, and are not information that can identify individual visitors.

【Personal Data Collected by This Site and Reasons for Collection】

Cookies, etc. are used as a means of collecting visitor information. This is for the purpose of optimizing the display method of this site according to the Internet browsing environment of visitors and for the purpose of delivering advertisements. Visitor information obtained on this site is collected solely for the purpose of advertising services and access analysis, and is not used for any other purpose. To protect your privacy, you may refuse to accept cookies from this site. If you do not wish to receive cookies, please check the settings of your web browser and adjust the settings for sending and receiving cookies.

【Acquisition of Behavioral History Information】

This site may collect and store user history information through the use of access analysis services and other means provided by third-party companies. Such historical information is used to measure and analyze site visitors’ browsing status, measure the effectiveness of advertisements, and efficiently distribute advertisements. The information collected through the use of cookies or IP addresses does not contain any information that can be used to identify or distinguish individual visitors.
Third-party companies also obtain information such as behavioral history information from this site.

Google Analytics


by おへそガイド | 岐阜県中津川市・恵那市の観光&レジャー

Oheso Guide | Sightseeing & Leisure in Nakatsugawa City and Ena City, Gifu Prefecture
